Thursday, April 19, 2012

Streamlining Your Business through your Smart iDevices

Streamlining Your Business through your Smart iDevices.
How many small business owners have spent countless time and resources to make their business operation as efficient as possible. Purchasing equipment and software to interface whatever version of Point of Sale they are using to their book keeping. Usually this process involves using separate entities including data entry of financial records into a spreadsheet like quickbooks on a desktop or laptop. What if there was a way to use your smart i-devices you currently own to interface and streamline your day to day business operation and cut cost in the process?  
I have streamlined my day to day business operation through my so called "3 Phase Interface", it’s pretty simple once I got started by streamlining my Point of Sale through my iPhone, iPad and iMac. Processing credit cards, capturing a signature, credit card swipe and a paperless receipt for the customer through a App called Square (Square App provides a free Swiper that activates through the headphone jack of your iDevice). Square charges a flat 2.75% for all swiped credit card transactions no matter the type of card used by the customer. Square App has updated as of January 1st, 2012 that all transactions are deposited into your personal or business checking account within 24 business hours, so you get your money quick. Another great flexibility the Square App allows is for you to provide mobile service outside your physical place of business by using your iPhone to process payments. Square App even has GPS so it will record the location each transaction took place. Which can be helpful at times.
I feel the most rewarding part of streamlining your business operation through the so called "3 Phase Interface" is that it allows you to go paperless if you want. All your sales receipt, sales tax collected, including cash and bookkeeping is automatically saved and is accessible to you from any of your iDevices. This all can be done if set up properly utilizing the App Store Apps available to iOS users. You are not locked into checking daily sales totals through a cash register reading or check manual entries made into a spreadsheet on a desktop computer in the manager's office. I am big fan of interfacing my operation as much as possible because it helps my business to stay efficient and well managed whether I am in the office or outside the office.
To complete my interface of streamlining my business I also downloaded Google Docs in the App Store onto my iPhone and iPad for book keeping of my financials. Google docs allows me to create and edit financial spreadsheets through any of my i-devices, anytime, anywhere. Google docs is a document creator and storage with file sharing capability. Google Docs has all your Office favorites like Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Spreadsheet. You can upload your existing files on your computer right into google docs so you don't have to carry around a memory stick or external hard drive to have access to your files.
Everything I stated here is just a partial glance at some of the cool things available to anyone trying to streamline some or all their business operation onto their smart iDevices. Please ask any questions you make have and I can elaborate in more detail for specific questions.

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